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Please register for the parade with the applicable form. The theme for the 2021 parade is "Coming to America". 

Float entries include civic clubs, church groups, school groups, sports teams, neighborhood groups and community based clubs decorating a flatbed trailer to represent the parade’s annual theme. Floats can play music but it is not the focus of the entry. (Floats only playing music should submit the Band Form below.) Floats are judged on how they represent the theme of the parade and are eligible to win a cash prize. 

Group entries include walking groups (civic clubs, church groups, school groups, sports teams, neighborhood groups or community) as well as dance teams and equestrians. Please note, walking entries are not judged and are not eligible for a cash prize.

Band entries include groups that will be playing music from a float or walking the parade route. This does NOT include community floats that are playing music as part of their theme. 

Antique car entries include cars that are at least 25 years old that drive the parade route.

Politicians include local politicians walking or driving in a car on the parade route.

DUX Jul 4th 2021

Registration Forms

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